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UTD 24种国际顶级期刊目录

来源: 发布时间:2024-09-11

Top 24 leading business journals, Database from UT Dallas Naveen Jindal School of Management Dallas

1. The Accounting Review (Accounting)

2. Journal of Accounting and Economics (Accounting)

3. Journal of Accounting Research (Accounting)

4. Journal of Finance (Finance)

5. Journal of Financial Economics (Finance)

6. The Review of Financial Studies (Finance)

7. Information Systems Research (Information Systems)

8. Informs Journal on Computing (Information Systems)

9. MIS Quarterly (Information Systems)

10. Journal of Consumer Research (Marketing)

11. Journal of Marketing (Marketing)

12. Journal of Marketing Research (Marketing)

13. Marketing Science (Marketing)

14. Management Science (Management, Operations)

15. Operations Research (Management, Operations)

16. Journal of Operations Management (Management, Operations)

17. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (Management, Operations)

18. Production and Operations Management (Management, Operations)

19. Academy of Management Journal (Management, General)

20. Academy of Management Review (Management, General)

21. Administrative Science Quarterly (Management, General)

22. Organization Science (Management, General)

23. Journal of International Business Studies (Management, General)

24. Strategic Management Journal (Management, General/Strategy)